• Centre de produits

    Gaz électronique


    Product classification: Phosphoane
    Chinese name: Phosphoane
    Chemical formula: PH3
    Molecular weight: 34.04
    Pureté : ≥ 99,9999 %
    CAS no: 7803-51-2

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    détails du produit


    In the electronic gas family, silane, phosphane, borane, and arsane are widely used and are extremely important raw materials for IC manufacturing. Phosphoane is an important N-type doping source in semiconductor device manufacturing, and it is also used in processes such as polysilicon chemical vapor precipitation, epitaxial GaP materials, ion implantation, MOCVD process, and preparation of passive films on phosphorosilicon glass (PSG).

    PH3, flammable, explosive, highly toxic, with toxicity levels of PEL/TLV 0.3ppm, STEL 1ppm, LC50 20ppm, IDLH 200ppm, is a highly toxic hazardous substance.

    Emergency response and disposal

    1、 Leakage emergency response

    Quickly evacuate personnel from the contaminated area to the upwind and immediately isolate them for 450 meters, with strict restrictions on entry and exit. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and protective clothing. Cut off the source of leakage as much as possible. Reasonable ventilation and accelerated diffusion. Dilute and dissolve with spray water. Build embankments or dig pits to contain a large amount of wastewater generated. If possible, use an exhaust fan to deliver the leaked gas to an open area or install an appropriate nozzle to burn it off. Leakage containers should be properly handled, repaired, and inspected before use.

    2、 Protective measures

    Respiratory protection: Under normal working conditions, wear a filtered gas mask (full face mask). In high concentration environments, it is necessary to wear an air respirator or oxygen respirator. It is recommended to wear an air respirator during emergency rescue or evacuation.

    Eye protection: Wear chemical safety goggles.

    Body protection: Wear a mask style adhesive gas jacket.

    Protection des mains : Porter des gants en caoutchouc.

    Other: Smoking, eating, and drinking are strictly prohibited at the workplace. After work, take a shower and change clothes. Maintain good hygiene habits. Entry into tanks, restricted spaces, or other high concentration areas for work must be supervised by someone.

    3、 First aid measures

    Inhalation : éloignez-vous rapidement des lieux vers un endroit avec de l'air frais. Maintenir la perméabilité des voies respiratoires. Si la respiration est difficile, administrer de l'oxygène. Si la respiration s'arrête, pratiquez immédiatement la respiration artificielle. Consultez un médecin.

    Fire extinguishing method: Firefighters must wear filter type gas masks (full face masks) or isolation type respirators, wear full body fire and gas protective clothing, and extinguish the fire upwind. Cut off the air source. If the gas source cannot be immediately cut off, it is not allowed to extinguish the burning gas. Spray water to cool the container, and if possible, move the container from the fire to an open area. Extinguishing agent: spray water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide.